<strong>Looking For A Comprehensive School Management Software &amp; Hardware Provider?</strong>

SchoolMetrix is your answer. We are not only one of the best school management software providers, we also provide comprehensive school resource solutions to ensure you have a smart and smooth functioning of your institution.

Contact SchoolMetrix

We are very happy to have you visit our website. We are passionate about providing an excellent service to schools and colleges. You can have us over at your institution for a  free demo of SchoolMetrix’s School Management Software.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any other school technology, infrastructure, or resource requirement.

Bangalore, India

BelieveIT Technologies Pvt Ltd,
#10, Space No. 3, 2nd Floor, “THE ADDRESS,” Mosque Road,
Frazer Town, Bangalore – 560005


080 4302 8212
+91 9036 432 454
+91 9916 773 896


[email protected]
[email protected]


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